Active Ingredient : 500 g/l Imazalil
Formulation : Emulsifiable concentrate (EC)
Package : 100 ml, 250 ml
A systemic fungicide with protective and curative properties. Inhibits ergosterol biosynthesis.
Method Of Application
Early Leaf Blight in Tomato: For mildew and early leaf blight in tomato, spraying is started once conditions are favorable for disease or first disease signs appear and application is repeated at 15-days intervals as long as weather conditions continue being suitable for disease. The sprayer’s tank is filled halfway with water. Required amount of pesticide is mixed with some water and poured into tank. Mixer is turned on and water is added until the tank is full. The plant should be soaked thoroughly during application. Ground sprayers should be equipped with under-leaf nozzles to make sure that undersides of leaves are sprayed; there should be no wind at the time of application.
Gray Mold on tomato, eggplant (greenhouse), pepper (greenhouse): Spraying should be started once disease signs appear and should be repeated at 15-day intervals. The sprayer’s tank is filled halfway with water. Required amount of pesticide is mixed with some water and poured into tank. Mixer is turned on and water is added until the tank is full. The plant should be soaked thoroughly during application. Ground sprayers should be equipped with under-leaf nozzles to make sure that undersides of leaves are sprayed; there should be no wind at the time of application.
Blue mold on citrus: The administrations should be made before and after harvest. Care should be taken for time between the final administration and harvest in the administrations to be made before harvest. Care should be taken for covering all of the fruit surface in the administrations. The sprayer’s tank is filled halfway with water. Required amount of pesticide is mixed with some water and poured into tank. Mixer is turned on and water is added until the tank is full. The plant should be soaked thoroughly during application. Ground sprayers should be equipped with under-leaf nozzles to make sure that undersides of leaves are sprayed; there should be no wind at the time of application.
Compatibility: A test pre-mix is recommended before mixing with other pesticides.
Detailed Table Information
Citrus | Blue mold rot (Penicillium italicum) | 400 ml / 100 L water | 3 days |
Aubergine | Gray mold on vegetables (Botrytis cinerea) | 30 ml / 100 L water | 3 days |
Tomato | Gray mold | 30 ml / 100 L water | 3 days |
Tomato | Early leaf blight (Alternaria solani) | 30 ml / 100 L water | 3 days |
Pepper | Gray mold on vegetables (Botrytis cinerea) | 30 ml / 100 L water | 3 days |